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Update January 2022: We made a first attempt to raise enough for shooting the film on Kickstarter last year, and it wasn’t successful. Not quitting though. If you’re an Executive Producer looking for a film to pick up, this is a great story!

Singlefoot will be a feature-length documentary film. We’re currently searching for funding.

The idea for this project happened by way of Montrel’s Instagram feed. I follow a lot of Insta horse feeds, mostly western- or Spanish-style riding. Somehow I ended up following Montrel. He was riding Tennessee Walking horses in California, but then one day things changed. The horses got faster … a lot faster. He had switched his focus from the casual pace of the Tennessee Walking horse breed to the warp speed, flat shot, singlefooting horses.

So I started following more and more singlefooting feeds. Everyone looked like they were having the best time ever. Before long, I was all about singlefooting horses.

Finally, I sent Montrel a message, which led to a phone call, which led to me asking him how he felt about a documentary about singlefooting. And that was that. We’ve been talking ever since. He’s been so generous with his time and has put me in touch with other singlefooting, horse trainers.

The core Singlefoot crew includes:

  • Jaclynn Torres, Producer

  • Me, Director/Exec Producer

  • Fernando Venegas, DP


Down The Fence: Documentary Film